She finished setting Emmy on the bed, intending to have a heart to heart with her about her drinking the next day. Yawning, Diamond walked off to get her toiletries when suddenly the door blown open not two meters from her and a rather gung-ho guy was pointing a weapon on them. Her eyes flared up and she nearly froze the man on the spot, but she had enough clarity of mind to stop in time. "WHOA! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Man! EASY! All friends here!" Diamond half shouted with her hands up. She did [i]not[/i] like having a barrel pointed at her. Fortunately the gun nut appeared to realize he's most likely in the wrong room. "Intruders, what, can't read the team tag on the door? Who the heck [i]are[/i] you even, we're trying to sleep here!" she hissed, pinning Cobalt with a glowing blue glare.