Here's my marine. [hider=Vega][center][img][/img] [color=darkorange]Name[/color] "Berserker" Vega [color=darkorange]Blue/Sea[/color] East Blue / Mirrorball Island [color=darkorange]Crew/Base[/color] [color=darkorange]Bounty/Rank[/color] [color=darkorange]Age[/color] 23 [color=darkorange]Height[/color] 17'2'' [color=darkorange]Weight[/color] 820lbs [color=darkorange]Personality[/color] If you asked Vega about his personality, he'd look at you confused for a moment before flashing a big smile and giving you a thumbs up. That's what he does to all those questions he doesn't understand. He isn't stupid just very, very simple. He is a man you can place your trust in and despite the fact that he looks like a brute, he has a good heart. However, his kindness isn't the reason he's famous in East Blue. Vega is known for his extremely short temper and his feral fighting style which got him the nickname ''Berserker''. [color=darkorange]Skills & Talent[/color] •He can empty a barrel of wine in 2.7 seconds. [color=darkorange]Weapons[/color] •The Pacifier, the huge club he swings as if it was a wooden stick. Mihawk once said that a sword without subtlety is nothing but an iron bar. The Pacifier lacks subtlety and is practically an over-sized steel bar but that doesn't stop Vega from tearing a hole on a warship with it. •His fists and legs. He was already an accomplished fighter by the time he got his club. •Tekkai. A skilled user of the technique although he hasn't mastered it yet. [color=darkorange]Transportation[/color] He swims, considers it excellent training. [color=darkorange]Dream/Goal[/color] Visit Elbaf and challenge it to a fight. [color=darkorange]Origins[/color] Being born on Tequila Wolf meant one thing. Adapt or die. And Vega, as a baby, had no idea that dying was a possibility therefore he lived. It wasn't long before his father -his mother died giving birth- noticed that something was different about him since Vega was already taller than the average man by the time he was 10 years old. Combine that with monstrous strength, muscles big enough to have their own atmosphere and a tendency for acts of manliness and you have the man who would one day challenge the whole of Elbaf to a fight. A somewhat thick person with a simple view of the world and the way it works. Vega left Tequila Wolf three days after his 16th birthday, aboard a Navy ship since he wanted to enlist as he considered the Navy his way into the Grand Line. He served under a relatively unknown officer, patrolling East Blue and as expected of him, he drew the attention of the higher ups. Two years later (18y old), he was training under a former Cipher Police member being taught the ways of the Rokushiki where due to his short temper only managed to become skilled in using the Tekkai technique before being kicked out for disobedience and for consuming gallons of wine while one duty by the time he had reached 21 years of age. After that, he was sent to serve in Loguetown where he made his name as Berserker Vega due to his unrestrained anger when fighting, not that the fighting there was enough to satisfy him, only enough to keep him occupied. Nowadays, he's still trying to find a way into the Grand Line as Elbaf is still far away. [/center][/hider]