[b]Ostropa[/b] --- As a multitude of ships were going in and out of Ostropa, one merchant ship in particular had an unusual passenger aboard waiting impatiently to finally get to land. Alexander Storm stood at the front of the ship, eyeing the island they would reach soon as the workers on the ship began getting ready to land and unload their cargo. [color=green][i]'Pol Topelia, one of the numerous islands in the south blue without Marine control or protection. If I remember correctly, they're partaking in a civil war of sorts.'[/i][/color] Alexander thought as he continued to look at the island. “Hey Doc.!” A voice behind him called out. Alex turned to see the Captain of the ship walking up to him, “The boats about to hit shore, get your things ready to leave.” He said. Alex lifted his medical bag that contained much of his fist aid supplies as well as a couple of notebooks. The bag had a red cross on it and the word ‘DOCTOR’ written on it in all caps. [color=green]“This is all I have sir. I’m ready to leave at any time.”[/color] Alex explained. The Captain looked at the boy for a second before talking again, “I want to thank you again for using your doctor magic on my First Mate, without you, he’d probably be dead.” The Captain said with a toothy grin as he gestured towards said First Mate, who seemed to be working with the rest of the crew. Alex smiled a bit before replying, [color=green]“All I did was give him an antidote for sea urchin poison, I should be thanking you for letting me ride with you to Pol Topelia.”[/color] Alex then took out a notebook from his bag before opening it to a bookmarked page, [color=green]“Tell me, do you know anything about a man named Dr. Simmons?”[/color] The Captain stroked his beard for a minute in thought before answering, “I think I heard about him, he’s a well known doctor that found a cure for something right? I heard about him last time I visited Ostropa.” he explained [color=green]“Yes well, I was hoping you’d know where I can find him.”[/color] Alex asked “Sorry kid, no idea. I’m sure if you ask around you can probably find the guy.” The Captain said and Alex nodded silently at that, pleased with the answer. “Well anything else I can help you with?” Alex contemplated for a minute before putting away his notebook, then taking out what seemed to be a rolled up wanted poster, [color=green]“I’m looking for this man, know anything about him?”[/color] Alex said as he unrolled the piece of paper to reveal the picture of a middle aged, green haired man holding a boomerang. Under the picture showed his name and bounty, [u][b][url=https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5245/5268313839_dd878780b6.jpg]Boomerang Ben. Dead or Alive. 50,000,000 Belly.[/url][/b][/u] The old man looked at the bounty poster in shock before shaking his head, “F-f-f-fifty million belly!!! Sorry but I don’t know anything about a guy as dangerous as him. Why’re you looking for a filthy pirate like him anyways? You out for the bounty?” The Captain asked, a little stunned and confused by the fact that a doctor would be hunting down a dangerous pirate. Alex twitched as the Captain said the words ‘filthy pirate’ but stopped himself from showing any emotions because of it. [color=green]“No no no, I’m looking for him for more personal reasons.”[/color] Alex said to the Captain as he tried to assure him he wasn’t planning to fight him. After talking with the older man for a little while longer, the boat finally arrived at the dock. [color=green]“Seems like I’ll be going now. Thank you for the ride.”[/color] He said as he began to walk off the boat. “No problem kid, take care of yourself!!! I hope you find that Filthy pirate you’re looking for!!!” The Captain yelled out to the boy. [color=green]“Yeah ... ‘Filthy pirate’.”[/color] Alex mumbled to himself as he stepped off the boat and began walking away from the dock and towards the shopping area. After asking random merchants and townspeople for around ten minutes, Alex was easily able to find the office of the famous Dr. Simmons. As he stood in front of the building, he looked down as a map that a person had drawn for him. [color=green]“Well, this is it.”[/color] He said before opening the door. [color=green]“Excuse me, is there a Dr. Simmons here?”[/color] He asked as he walked into the building.