"I'll go." Johanna said firmly, her face now hidden beneath her helmet. Her tone was calm, confident. She held her rifle like she'd been born with it. The nervous, timid Johanna seemed to have vanished the moment the first explosion sounded. There was no question that Johanna would be more useful on the Babylon, she didn't have a ship of her own, there wouldn't be much she could do otherwise. She boarded the ship after Krull, Eight, and Bruce. Out of all of them now on board, Krull was clearly their first line of defense. If the big, imposing alien was as powerful and terrifying as he looked then any would be boarders were going to have a hell of a time trying to stop him. Still, knowing the XRF even a brute like Krull wouldn't be enough to stop them, they were relentless like that. Eight had going to engineering, clearly his primary concern would be to keep the ship running and coordinating with the Alamo. Bruce...well she didn't know a thing about Bruce other than his name and cheerful demeanor. He was well armored and had a full arsenal of weapons, clearly a fighter. In her head Johanna reasoned how it would play out. If and when they were boarded, Krull would be the first to jump into the fray. She and Bruce would watch his back and pick off enemies as they were occupied with Krull. Eight would most likely stay where he was in engineering and only join in the fight if the boarders managed to reach engineering, which was the last thing they wanted. At least that was the most likely scenario, with any luck they wouldn't get boarded at all, but Johanna had stopped believing in luck when she'd been kidnapped and experimented on.