[img]http://img13.deviantart.net/dd7c/i/2008/318/6/e/urban_fighter_ii_by_kschischu.jpg[/img] I'm the best fighter in the world. But It means nothing now, I'm trapped in prison by the same shitty cops who my cousin helped saved along with the rest of this city when that psycho's gangs took over. But that was 21 years ago, my cousin [b]Axel Stone[/b], is dead, shot in the head by some shady figures looking for revenge. After his friends heard the news they all wen their seperate ways, becoming too old or injured to keep the streets clean forever. At last it was only [b]Eddie Hunter[/b], my ex boyfriend who was able to keep the fight going, but her couldn't do it alone, and in a vicious street brawl trying to defend me, he was put into a coma by the [b]Nail Gang[/b] and when I killed one of those bastard for what they did, I was locked up for murder. Now I have to rot in this cell while I hear stories of the gangs starting to take over, its happening all over again But I hear there are few of you who aren't willing to just lay down and let this city destroy itself again, some of you are rock hard martial artists and tough street brawlers who are willing to face this new growing threat head on, and take our city back, so the civilian no longer have to live in fear and lock themselves in every night. If you are reading this letter then you are one of the few individuals ive heard about who has the ability to re-enter the Streets Of Rage, and make a Final Stand. -Missy Stone [hider=Brief Overview] This will be an RP loosely based in the Streets Of Rage Universe 21 years from the first game where you will be recruited to join a team of street fighters to right the wrongs of the growing gang problem in the city. Your characters will have to learn how to get along and fight together in a place where loyalty is even more valuable than money. [/hider]