"They're nice and they always claimed to be very open minded, which I guess is true about some things." Mike answered. Sure, his parents didn't look at Wildtypes and Quantums the same way most Ascendeds did, so in a way, they were at least more accepting than most Ascendeds. "Not exactly. Perhaps I should be, but in all honesty, I don't see why. I mean, it's not like anyone would miss me if I won't be myself anymore, except for Claire." Blythe answered. She knew that what she said probably sounded odd to a lot of people, but she didn't care much about that. "I don't think Blythe would do such a thing, but she has a bad habit of getting into fights. To be honest, I was surprised that she didn't punch Solomon or anything after he forced her to kneel back at the shuttle." Claire said to Maya. Blythe had kicked and punched people for smaller things than what Solomon had done to her.