[@NoobCW] Ellison noticed all the zombies coming through the village headed for anyone with a pulse, Rammus ran up the treetop and onto a rooftop, firing arrows at zombies as he did so, there were a couple headed straight for some nearby villagers, Ellison grabbed Aesik and threw him in the direction of the incoming zombies. Aesik zipped through the zombies and cut off their heads with one clean sweep, Ellison snapped her fingers and brought Aesik back immediately giving her to time move close to some villagers cowering near a street corner. "Everyone, move towards the safehouse!" - Ellison Ellison, moving as she spoke; made her way across the village, dodging zombie after zombie trying to save time instead of wasting it on these dispensable creatures. Aesik being a magical blade had the power to move through space and time, sort of. He had a more practical teleportation ability, he could use it only when and if Ellison were to call on him or snap her fingers to summon him. The magical sword gleamed with ancient power the likes of which had never been studied by even the highest of magi. She was born with the power to hold him, however she never knew until the day they met. Aesik now thinks of himself AS a sword, instead of the soul of one of the greatest warriors to live. As he is, but as time went on and again he merely forgot his past; physically. He isn't sure how exactly his soul permeates the sword gem, but it is as it is. Time would feel slowed down to Aesik at most time, and since Ellison had the power to control him at will, she also possessed the ability to read time as he did. In a crisis this would give her more time to react. A faint voice in the not so distant distance shouted for Ellison's attention, kept on and on until she realized she had been thinking instead of fighting. People moved to and fro in the tide of living dead. The person speaking was a man Ellison had met in the shop, he was alive and assisting the fleeting villagers. A zombie was hot on the trail of Ellison and he needed to get her attention. Ellison gripped the hilt of her blade and spun on her left foot raising her right as she did, holding Aesik behind her neck ready to swipe. How graceful the fatal dance of a warrior. She spun like a dancer almost, tantalizing almost, or as a nightshade blooms. She spun on her toes behind her and flattened her feet to land on the ground once more bringing the edge of her sword through the neck of the living corpse. She aided some remaining villagers near her and grappled a pulley leading to the top of a building, a rope in front and a rope behind to lift something or someone high through the air. She threw Aesik at the rope nearest the wall, holding he counterweight above and dropping it as he sliced the threads. Ellison gripped the rope and soared through the air onto the edge of a rooftop, nearby Rammus. She snapped and Aesik returned sheathed.