Sasha was perched on the roof of a bank on the other side of the street from the hotel, about level with the large, glass window of the room they were watching. He had a good visual on Alice in the lobby, and even better of her once she got to the room. But right now, the only thing he had a visual of was his phone, looking up places to go eat after this. He was a big guy; he needed his protein. Sasha was brought back into the mission by George radioing out to make sure they were ready. He grabbed his radio and phoned in. "Check, boss," He said before tossing the thing back in his bag. Time to work, now. Sasha lifted his rifle, a long range, powerful sniper weapon, and looked through the scope into the lobby window. One of the cons of being a large, very conspicuous man was that he was never given the incognito jobs. He was simply too recognizable, standing close to seven feet tall with a think accent to boot, he couldn't [i]be [/i]more obvious. But right now, that suited Sasha just fine. He was perfectly happy to sit on a roof, watching a very attractive woman walk from behind, and get paid for it. ==== Meanwhile, at the warehouse, Marc was sitting in the van trying to figure out the device Sasha had given her. "It's a magic detection device, it'll lead you right to it," He'd said. If she could turn the damn thing on. Finally, after fumbling with it for a couple minutes, the device came to life with a couple loud beeps. Marc groaned and searched for a volume button, only to find that it didn't exist. Of course. Sasha had created a device in his own image: big, loud, and incredibly obvious. Marc too the machine outside to show Morphine that she got it to work. Speaking of obvious, pink hair much? Marc waved the clunky device in Morphine's direction. It gave another couple BEEP BEEPs. "Time to get started, I guess," She said, sounding incredibly unexcited.