[quote=@Impaqt] [@MelonHead] [color=7bcdc8]Nope, missed my point entirely. I was simply saying, recruitment should be done more elaborately in the story than "I'm gonna join this side for so and so reason". It was a very small and minuscule point that I was making amidst everything else, therefore, I didn't feel the necessity to elaborate fully. I suspect most people would see that as obvious anyways. Who wants to be neutral? Neutral is for weirdos and perverts like Liason. [/color] [/quote] Actually, as a bit of a spoiler alert, I planned on the Over God Ao of the multiverse attempting to prevent major mulit-dimensional powers from destroying everything by creating the Arena. In which chosen champions of one sector of the miltiverse, or I.E a faction, fights another in order to basically win the rights to conquer that realm. Think mortal Kombat, but with surprisingly much tamer fatalities. As well as Elder God(s) that are not competently useless.