Brett loaded the car with all the supplies he needed and opened a side pouch on his hip and pulled out a cigar and lit it up with a match. He puffed his cigar and waited, "Dimitri, come on Comrade, we got a payment to collect!" He stood there in his power armor, he looked at his terminal and pulled more info on the targets. "Hmmmm. Interesting. These targets all hand out in the same shack gambling." he pulled more detail, and a security footage from the last hour. He watched carefully and noticed a large vehicle speed by and hit the targets, his eyes flared as he watched the man get out of the truck and take something from him and get back in his car and drive off. He then saw a Deathclaw, monstrous creatures and tough as nails, walk up to the target and start to eat him. "DAMN IT ALL" he flared and turned off his monitor. And sighed, "Dimitri, forget the payment, someone just fed our target to deathclaw, he walked in with his cigar and over to the fridge. It was empty. "Well no point in standing around. We need to get food and supplies."