[center][u][b]Ōbörœ Ûgrøth[/b][/u] [i][b]The Crimson Lion - The Demon Of The Mountain Pass - The Red-skinned Traitor[/b][/i] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/85/640x640_14826_Grimbelly_2d_fantasy_creature_dragon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 331 [u][b]Height[/b][/u] 9' 6" [u][b]Length[/b][/u] 11' 9" [u][b]Weight[/b][/u] 3,548lbs. [u][b]Birthday[/b][/u] Unknown [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Saavrak [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Unknown (Appears to be Male) [u][b]Affiliation[/b][/u] N/A (Currently; Blademasters Of Karanos) [u][b]Backstory[/b][/u] The small scrapes of birth history drawn back to the great Crimson Lion are scarce, and many of them are only found within the deep archives of the Order. Birthdates and extremely young sightings of Ōbörœ Ûgrøth have been lost within the multitude of scrolls written upon Arkus, and only the bloody messenger himself knows of his origins. Yet, he tells no one but the howling wind and the Old Gods themselves. At a young age Ōbörœ had developed an ear for the divine voices of the Gods, their shouts of anger, their coos of mercy, the Crimson Lion was fascinated by them. They all road upon the sweet cold winds into the many caves he called home within the mountain passes of Arkus, and sometimes they spoke to him personally. Many a time has the innocent Saavrak heard the voice of Sadhu, calling him to murder the advancing armies in the maze like passes in the steep mountains Ōbörœ inhabited, ensuring no reinforcements would threaten the God's far-off troops. Little did the misguided beast know, that he had started to fall into the meddling hands of the Old Gods, with no parents to guide him away from this unsteady path. They had died shortly after Ōbörœ's birth, their frost bitten bodies giving off their last remaining warmth to keep the crying infant alive in the severe, unprotected blizzard he had been suddenly conceived into. More voices entered the Red-skinned beast's head as he aged into an adult. Astral strings, Tor'qux, you name it. With the Increase in the beast's infamy and ability in the rough environment of the mountain passes, came the errands of more Gods, needing their work to be done fast and efficient. This was Ōbörœ's specialty. Still, the Saavrak could not attend to every God's whim all the time, which earned him the title of "The Red-skinned Traitor". Whenever he denied a God's request, though it pained him to do so, those entity's followers payed aggressive heed to the overwhelmed herald. But, with Ōbörœ's skill set, the Old Gods never kept such disdain grudges against him, knowing the beast would be of use to them in the future. Glazed eyes and murmuring voices are what the great Crimson Lion has now been reduced to mentally, His mind distorted due to the over-numerous dream-like visions that have separated his reality from the voices of the Old Gods. Ōbörœ has currently taken a rare trip out of his mountain lair to traverse to the sandy landscape of Karanos to aid the God Sadhu and his blademasters within the sudden conflict of the Council and Order. Yet, the other divine beings have their own strings attached to this scaley puppet. Will he truly be trustworthy?