In the furthest seat in the furthest car sat a hunched over figure. His hood was pulled up and a pair of obnoxiously large headphones rested over the fabric where his ears would be. In his hands rested a phone, which had a pair of thumbs darting across the screen faster than some could think possible. He had arrived early just so he could be the first to get on to claim his seat. He had settled in and worked on building up an aura of 'stay away, no desire to talk to anyone' around him. Nivaar took a fraction of a moment to glace up from his phone to the loud people entering the train, golden eyes narrowing slightly at the motley crew as they made it known their hate and disgust of each other. He smirked slightly before looking back down at his phone, taking discreet pictures, without flash, of the scene. Could be Photoshopped for blackmail later. Never knew when he'd need money, cheat-sheets, or someone to keep him entertained while he wallowed away in this forsaken place. He predicted he was at least twice the age of half the mutts he'd see in the school's walls and the only reason he was here because it was 'family tradition' to attend a place of study when one was nearing eighty. Had it not been the promise of lavish treasures of his choosing, Nivaar would have ducked out at the subway station and flown to Hawaii. At least the Fire Sprites there could keep his scales warm. Lifting a hand to scratch at the mentally thought of scales around his left eye, the juvenile dragon tugged his hood lower once the itch had been scratched.