A dark haired man peeked over the concrete barrier. He went over the barrier making his way forward. Blake let out a sigh, looking at the sky. He had to make his way to a place where he could be safe for the night. Hearing voices of the hunters he ducked back down into cover. Watching as they passed him. Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding till now. Going around a different way, he kept the short sword in his hand. Hunters didn't need to know he was here he knew what happened to people that got caught here. Seeing a guy up ahead of him. Sneaking forward his steps careful to make sure that he didn't make an unneeded sound. Grabbing the man his sword going through the guys back he winced before laying down the body before continuing forward. He could hear the clickers and runners starting to return he didn't have the time. Looking around seeing no hunters Blake took his chance. Going over cover and running for one of the many houses in front of him. He could hear the the yells of infected now coming his way. Grabbing one of the nail bombs from his pack he threw it down. Hearing it explode he could feel some blood getting splattered on his jeans. He kept moving though. Crashing through the door and slamming it shut behind him. Looking around he moved one of the shelves, in front of the door. He was breathing heavily, "this could have gone better." Going upstairs he set up a post with his hunting rifle. He adjusted the scope making sure he could pick off any of the infected that came to close.