A young woman off the far block was walking behind a row of houses as she would lean against the walls while she attempted to listen in for any nearby activity from anyone and any[i]thing[/i]. She was wearing a white woolen sweater with chopped off sleeves that reached her elbows and large jeans that she adjusted to fit with a brown belt as well as sneakers, her hair done into a long braid. She would continue to do this until she went into one of the houses and remained there for a little while, coming out patching up her machete as she sprinted for the other house, the sight of a squirming Runner corpse making her stay there still until she decided to run up the stairs. In the far distance, two men, Hunters, were feeling the grass and searching for streaks of sneakers that belonged to Alice. After running away from them two hours ago, she didn't think they were so persistent in trying to find her. The younger man, most definitely the older man's son, was excitedly looking for her until the sight of a recently used band-aid box was on the ground nearby the house across from the one she was hiding at. The shouted to one another until they made the decision to enter it. Momentarily, a belted cry could be heard from anyone far or nearby as Alice tackled the father down the stairs. Although each step was bruising her ribs and back, she stabbed rapidly and furiously at him as they landed on the mat downstairs, as he gurgled blood, the son running after her as she threw burnt books at him and kitchen utensils, dashing out the patio across the street trying to head to the neck of the woods that were behind the houses in front of her, a house where she didn't know another survivor was residing: Blake.