I don't know if I'm going to sound too know-it-all or something, but if there's a specific way you want people to format sheets you can use the code function to make it appear in a way that's easy to copy paste. For instance, if you wanted every section bolded you could write it like this: [code] [code][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Alignment:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] (Limited to Human, Halfling, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Gnome - other races will be considered but need to be run by the gm first) [b]Class: [/b]Kits are welcome, dual classes allowed [b]Appearance/Clothing: [/b]Image can be provided [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Natural Abilities:[/b] (Race dictated) [b]Magic/Spells:[/b] (all spells must be listed, max of 7 for full magic users, max 5 for dual classes, max 3 for anyone else) [b]Additional Information:[/b] (Such as gods a character might worship, flaws they may have, relationships the may be in, etc.) [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Possessions:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [/code] [/code]