[h1]Ian Blackwood[/h1] Ian had gotten on the subway in the cave with several others, which had allowed him to witness the Light elf hating on the other dark elf present. While she went off to talk to others, Ian let a small smile crawl across his face as he turned his eyes on to the stuck-up snob. The asshole's worst fears would be opened up to him as soon as their eyes crossed, Ian's taking on a quick violet glow before he walked off. Aenor, however, would suddenly find himself trapped in his worst nightmare for what would be in reality 5 seconds, but would feel like an hour to him. Turning his attention around the place, he zeroed in on a particularly attractive looking Gargoyle. He quickly walked over and gave a shining grin to the grey skinned female. "Why hello there, my Name's Ian, gonna be a first year, and my I be blessed enough to hear your name, and maybe your number while we're at it." He extended his hand in greeting, though his excitement also caused his tail to uncoiled around him, waving vulnerably in the air behind him in slow waves. [@2b3heart] [h1]Razor[/h1] "Keep calling me that, pretty boy, and I'll be sure to feed you your own goddamn spleen." The skull turned to look at the two the young dragon was looking at, noticing a Naga staring at him from across the way "Hmph, well looks like one of them will be an easy gain. Me, I'd rather find a girl that's a bit more a challenge and will really make me work for that ass, like the gargoyle that stupid demon is talking to. She looks like a really fighter, not to mention she's got one fine ass body." The skull let out a laugh before turning back to the dragon, it's eyes now taking on a sickly shade of green. "Anyway, what do you know about this academy we're going to, the shit in the box and I are only going because we've got no place else to go. Oh, and sorry about the smell, fucker doesn't give a she about other people, and while I personally couldn't care less, I'm the one who has deal with him using me as a shield or weapon whenever he pisses people of with it. I honestly don't see the fucking problem, but maybe tat;s because I lost a nose." [@WanderingShield]