[quote=@Klomster] I have regretfully just remembered something. Tomorrow, saturday. I will be going south to attend an event that is called the "Visby medieval week" or however it's translated. This means i will be living in a tent in a medieval city and go around a medieval event looking at cool stuff for a week. Some of you might even know what this event is. Otherwise google provides. This of course means that i won't be able to post for a while. If i get really bored i'll perhaps find a library or something to use a computer. But i doubt this will be happening since i will be in a city i've never been in, in a massive event i'm interested in, and loads of cool stuff to check out. All in all. Won't be posting. Although this doesn't matter that much since i am in a travelling sequence anyways and have no radios. So i'm mostly uncommunicative at best. But i'll make an update before i leave, stating a few of these things. And i'm informing our dear Gm's so they know that i'll be away. Since this is a nice gesture. So be seeing you, i'll look forward to reading all the awesome posts i'll have missed. Oh, one more thing. Is there an official update speed in this rp, or is it just post as you feel like? I'm curious since i don't recall seeing it in the description. [/quote] Duly noted. I assume it's just post as you feel like, considering all the other NRPs I have been in work in that fashion. But you'll have to forward that question to [@Queen Raidne] for a definitive answer.