[color=92278f]Karl still on his hands turns to Amber and Clancey, "You guys have a queen? LET US MEET YOUR RULER! After we've had some fun of course." He turns back and flips back to his feet, which while flipping he strapped rockets to, lights the rockets and flies forward. [/color] [color=0054a6]Lucas turns and follows Nelodine to the others. He walks over to Ammi and whisper to her, "Hey I may or may not have witnessed a weird bug thing attack Nelodine. I'm not exactly sure it was a bug but something did attack her."[/color] [color=f26522]Kylie nods,"Well yeah but if you had time I would give you the full history of Fedora-man, but I know he sent you here for a reason so lets get down to business."[/color] "So Lucille this is who you brought Sephie to." Fedora-man bursts into laughter, "Also Kiro Shouldn't you be dead? Or is it because We are in Hell you ain't dead? But never mind that I kinda wanna know how I got here?" [color=8493ca]*Sniff*,*Sniff*,"Hey Blue, you smell different." Srg says sniffing the air close to Nelodine. [/color]