[h2]Ian Blackwood[/h2] "That am I am, but I've found that being direct with people is often the best way to go." He returned the gargoyle's smile with one of his own as he gave her hand a good shake. His smile became ver much strained however, as he felt a bolt of lightning rush through his veins. His back went ram rod straight, his mouth went a bit wide, and he was struggling to stay on his feet. It didn't take long to find out he source of his discomfort as he followed Jacinda's other arm to where it was grabbing his tail. Still smiling, Ian spoke carefully and through clenched teeth, not wanting to upset the girl right now. "Ah, I see you've found my tail, and why I assure you that we can get very much touchy feel whenever you want, I'd rather wish for you to release my tail. It's a rather . . . sensitive piece of my body." [@2b3heart] [h2]Razor[/h2] The skull rolled his eyes, or at least, the lights in his sockets made a motion that amounted to the same thing. "Whatever, Goldielocks, you dragon and your hard on for gold always goes over my head. At least Razor isn't like that, or else I'd probably go insane. Then again, that might be because the asshole's dead as a doornail and his only interest is sleeping like he was still 6 feet under, so I might as well go insane. Give me something to do at least." The Skull would've continued, but several things happened before that. First, some loud mouth busted in from the roof to complain about the smell, only to grab the werewolf that Razor had knocked out and take him up to the roof with him. After that, he was suddenly approached by the familiar sight of the crazy slime girl that had been folling them ever since they'd unknowingly saved her from some cultists. Razor didn't really give a shit about it, but Skull knew that it was a bad idea to get involved with this crazy bitch. "Oi, Goldie, don't make room this psycho bi-" The skull, his eyes an intense white now, was suddenly sent flying upwards, along with the top of the coffin, as the final thin happened. Razor rose from the coffin much like a vampire did in the movies, his eyes looking over to the golden boy, then over to the pink haired girl, who was some what familiar. He tilted his head a bit as he tried to remember when he'd seen her before, until he finally remembered. "Hey, you're the girl whose been following me. Are you going to this academy place too? What a coincidence." He reached over and pat the girls head for no reason other than to feel her hair. [i]Huh, it's so fluffy.[/i] After satisfying his curiosity he remembered what he had been doing before, trying to find the guy who had woke him up. Still patting the slime girl's head, he decided to see if she knew. "Excuse me pinkie, but do you know who woke me up from my nap before we arrived, I feel the need to beat the crap out of them." [@Cuccoruler] [@WanderingShield]