Character you have created: Alsia Alias: Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Character Alignment: Questionable Identity: Secret Character Personality : Alsia has a rather focused personality and outlook. She was trained to prioritize the mission and her objectives over everything else. In short she was raised as a living weapon and has the baggage associated with such an upbringing. (Personality will develop as i write her more) Uniform/costume: Unsuited- Due to her initial imprints having been based on humanity Alsia looks more human than the average Visisth, and as the Visisth are on the whole a moderately humanoid race this leads to her bearing a great deal of resemblance to a human female. She has high cheekbones and a nose that seems slightly thinner than a normal human. Her mouth while looking decidedly human at first glance actually can open several times wider than a human's and if closely examined it becomes apparent that the skin of her cheeks is folded over upon itself in an intricate fashion that allows it to unfold and let her mouth open so widely. It also gives her cheeks a slight wrinkled appearance and results in her mouth being naturally pulled into a slight smile. A close examination of the inside of her mouth will also note differences, she has a second set of teeth that can descend in front of her humanoid ones, these retractable teeth are sharp and clearly made for cutting. The Visisth equivalent to hair grows only from her head and hers is a faded silver blonde in color. It is allowed to behave naturally and is unbound capable of stretching down slightly past her shoulders, tendrils of it often seeming to reach out of their own accord and it frames her face. Her limbs are also slightly longer and slimmer than a humans. Alsia's eyes as mentioned previously are more oblong and set at an angle in her face as they tilt downwards on the way out from the center. Her skin is like all Visisth capable of altering coloration and pattern on command but most often holds a health is slightly pale coloration. Physically the rest of her body aside from her face also is quite similar to a humans. The presence of Vrier sites in Alsia's body is also noticeable as there are slight lumps in her skin where one of the Vrier sites lies, these lumps are firm to the touch. In terms of physical structure she is also less bulky than a human and has very little in the way of noticeable fat deposits. Alsia's eyes are covered by a transparent membrane that protects them from dust or detritus and that can function as a secondary eyelid in regards to blinking. They are slightly more oblong than a humans and distinctly set in an angle in her face, the outer edges of each eye is angled slightly downwards diagonally. The irises of her eyes are orange and Alsia's eyes appear to have no whites. The pupil functions similarly to a humans though it can grow far larger. Armor Suit- Alsia's armor suit is fairly lightweight for a suit of powered armor and is also form fitting. The helm portion of it has the least resemblance to what lies beneath as it does not have a mold of her face but rather is blank save for two oblong portals that coincide with her eyes. These portals can alter their coloration in response to changing light levels both to protect and to aid Alsia's vision and as such range in their degree of tint depending on the situation. There are slits in the back of the helm that allow for her 'hair' to slip out and remain free despite the helmet. Her armor suit is slightly thicker in the back of the chest area then its otherwise formfitting nature would lead one to expect as the power battery for the armor is contained within that area. The limbs of the suit almost perfectly mold to Alsia's own though they notably add a slightly more pointed tip to each of her fingers. The lower limb portions of the armor are similar as the foot piece on the whole ends in a more pointed fashion than her actual feet. The armor similar to her choice of attire is white and golden in coloration. Alsia's armor suit also has weapons attached, twin plasma whip generator handles are attached at the waist and can be drawn at her discretion, further she typically carries the MI Universal Rifle VI strapped to her back, other weapons that are always present are a pair of plasma sword generators which are also attached at her waist. Origin Info/Details: Alsia like all Visisth was born on their home-world of Lierin I. Also like all Visisth Alsia had a period of time in which her body would naturally be incredibly mutable and composed nearly entirely of Vrier cells, a time during which impressions such as environment and the appearance of other life forms determines what the base of the Visisth's body would be like. This process of imprinting was interrupted when Alsia along with several other young Visisth were taken from Lierin I by agents of the corporation Macros International. The Visisth had been marked as sentient but not yet civilized and as such their world was supposed to be off limits to everyone according to laws governing interaction with sentient alien species. Albrecht Macros, the immortal founder of the company that bears his name was far less willing to allow a race with such potential to go to waste and when the law conflicted with his agenda he simply arranged for it to be broken. The other young Visisth had already begun to differentiate and come to a set appearance which made them invalid for the plans that Macros had in mind and they were used for experiments to test just how impressive their adaptive abilities were. Alsia on the other hand had barely begun the process and as of that point had formed no comprehensive imprint. While this meant she was not fated to be poked and prodded for years it also meant that a very different experiment could be performed with her. She was raised in the company of humans deliberately in order to force a human imprint upon her and the results were not unsuccessful as she can pass for human in a crowd unless one knows what to look for. And MI also wished to test the weaponization potential of a species with such natural abilities. As such Alsia was raised with a singular line of education, that of combat. A life of training and tests that pushed her to and beyond her limits constantly, it was a hellish existence, and also the only existence that the Visisth child knew, a fact that was carefully exploited by MI in an attempt to form complete loyalty on her part towards the company. Eventually she was deemed fit for field tests and out fitted with a suit of powered armor crafted specifically for her Alsia was unleashed on a mission in corporate warfare. She along with a squad of STG operatives were tasked with destroying a secured facility of Macros International's great corporate adversary Catalyst Co. Although the mission proved a success, an unfortunate series of events involving her being injured during the fighting led to samples of her DNA being recovered when Catalyst Co. attempted to salvage as much of their operation as they could. Little time was wasted in broadcasting that MI had broken the law by interfering in the development of the Visisth race and the resulting scandal incited a great deal of finger pointing and brought the uneasy balance of power between the great corporations and the government of the United Worlds closer to a breaking point than had happened before. Macros rather than denying what had been done at his orders openly admitted to it, claiming that the United Worlds government had no power over him. While the crisis of power was going on Alsia was placed under guard and the fact that she was suddenly confined and the fact that news did trickle down to her about the reason for it made her abruptly realize what it was that had been done to her. It was a realization that made her very angry. Using the Vrier sites to full potential and with the element of surprise Alsia managed to deactivate the STG unit that was assigned to guard her before it could raise the alarm and using skills that MI had initially taught her hacked into it, purging the initial personality and rendering it an ally of hers. With the fire power of a heavy STG unit and the element of surprise still on her side Alsia managed to reach the armory of the research station and after donning her armor and stealing several experimental weapons, including the URVI prototype fought her way to the hanger and escaped in a Macros International ship. Before she actually left she fired the ship's weapons to destroy the other vessels in the hanger to allow her to make her escape. Ultimately however her escape to freedom in the galaxy and time of her birth would be short lived. Due to her inexperience with space vessels, and the hasty nature of her flight from the wreckage of the station Alsia stumbled into a zone not unlike the bermuda triangle in space. This fluke of spacetime somehow transported her back to the modern era. During the time between then and now she has become established as a bounty hunter, assassin for hire. And she has recently been contracted for an assigment on earth. Hero Type (Select one): Biological/Technological Power Level (Select one below): C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman) Powers (Be Specific): Vrier Stimulation- Like all members of the Visisth race Alsia possesses Vrier sites spread throughout her body. These sites contain a unique type of cell known as Vrier cells that have similar traits to embryonic stem cells but are far quicker and have a vastly larger number of potential affects in use. Alsia can mentally stimulate the Vrier sites throughout her body to cause the release and determine the function of Vrier cells. These cells will rapidly multiply and release the necessary hormones and enzymes to aid in bringing about the desired change as well as forming the substance of the change if the change adds any physical features. For example in order to form an increased tolerance to cold Vrier cells could be released and form a highly insulating layer of tissue beneath her skin to protect her internal organs from the cold, similarly the Vrier cells can graft themselves onto existing muscle structures and augment them to increase Alsia's strength, or form a hard layer over her skin to function as a form of crude natural armor. In addition stimulation of Vrier cells can allow for rapid wound treatment, while true healing takes a long time, typically about a week to regrow a single limb the Vrier cells can be released to form a scab or to staunch bleeding rapidly after an injury is inflicted. Further they can be used to grow additional appendages or modifications to her existing ones such as claws or an additional set of arms, the time it takes for a Vrier shift of that level depends on its magnitude. Superhuman strength/speed- Visisth are naturally faster and stronger than a human of equivalent age and build even without the stimulation of Vrier sites. Further due to the vigorous training regimes that Alsia was forced to undergo in youth and the fact that she has continued them to this day makes her as strong as naturally possible for a Visisth who is not using the Vrier shifts to gain strength. She is able to lift roughly 800 pounds without the use of a Vrier shift or her armor, with a Vrier shift designed to increase her physical strength Alsia can lift roughly 1200 pounds, when wearing her suit and employing a Vrier shift Alsia is able lift roughly 1 ton though that is the extreme upper limit. Similarly Alsia is faster than a human being able to naturally maintain a steady pace of 40 miles per hour for several hours at a time. A Vrier shift designed to give her greater speed can increase her speed to between 70 and 80 miles per hour. Her armor sadly despite being incredibly useful does not increase her speed though it also does not decrease it. Alsia also naturally has faster reflexes and a quicker reaction time than a human. Visisth Endurance- Visisth on the whole are very resilient creatures and killing one is a matter of some difficulty. Due to their Vrier cells Visisth tend to be able to fight even after sustaining injuries that would kill a human, that is not to say that they are unkillable merely that they can take more abuse than a human. It's also very difficult to force a Visisth to bleed to death. Endurance further refers to the fact that she will take a long time to tire but as she is organic she can still become exhausted and weaken. Abilities: Calm under fire- Alsia is a veteran of many conflicts and a life of training as well as a natural apex predator. There is little that she has not seen in her time in the field and even fewer things that could phase or shock her. She is highly unlikely to suffer from fear or doubt in the course of combat even if fighting against something that seems invincible and she is difficult to distract. Duel Wielding- While most who attempt this fail to be effective Alsia has trained extensively to be able to wield a melee weapon in each hand and to use them to devastating efficiency. She is quick to seize openings and fights with a fluid style, preferring not to resort of brute force but perfectly willing to do so if necessary. She prefers to use her twin plasma whips to the sword and is extremely skilled in their use as well. Expert Marksman- Alsia can aim and fire her rifle in a matter of fractions of a second. She has been proven to be able to shoot accurately while falling or after having been thrown in the air on her way down. She is highly unlikely to miss even under extremely difficult circumstances such as being set on fire or suffering from serious injury. Adverse environmental conditions also do little to impair her ability to shoot accurately. Hacking- While this is unlikely to work on any construct that is not based on traditional circuitry and modern/post modern technology she does have some level of hacking skills. Her hacking skills depend on being able to directly interface with the thing she is hacking, for example the use of a portable terminal, she can also hotwire things but that again requires actual contact. Weapons: Universal Rifle VI Prototype- The URVI is an experiment weapon that was in testing by the company. An improvement over earlier models of the Universal Rifle the VI is substantially lighter and possesses a charge function, rather than an immediate discharge the weapon can be set to a mode in which it will charge the shot, increasing power until the trigger is released. It is a surprisingly small rifle with little in the way of kick and as such can be fired rapidly and accurately, also an improvement over earlier models. The name Universal Rifle comes from the nature of its projectiles, superheated plasma bolts which have proven the most effective form of ammunition in her home level of the multiverse. Dubbed the Universal Rifle for its ability to cause damage to nearly anything it is quite powerful. However like all prototypes the URVI is far from perfect, firstly it is prone to overheating and if it is not vented regularly it is likely to overload and shut down for emergency cooling. The venting process is quite ingenious however as it does allow for the weapon to still be used offensively, coolant is flushed into the firing chamber of the rifle and then ejected as a super heated blast of steam. Plasma sword generators- A semi circle of energy projectors mounted on a hilt which contains the power source, a plasma sword generator does not look particularly impressive when inactive. When active however the blade is a full 4 feet in length and glows with a white light. The blade consists of pure plasma held in place by sophisticated gravitic fields, it is able to cut through most non energy based or otherwise charged items with a few strikes. She has two of these. Plasma whip generators- These look quite similar to lightsaber generators in Star Wars a comparison that never fails to make her laugh a bit. They are slightly curved however so as to be more easily held in her hands and to confirm to the contours of them for a steadier grip. The plasma whips are very difficult weapons to use as an incorrect swing could result in the wielder striking himself or herself. Despite this they are impressive weapons. By spinning rapidly with them Alsia can create an imperfect bubble of charged air around herelf that can at least in part negate most forms of energy strikes that are fired towards her and reduce the strain on her armor during the duration. Natural weapons- Assuming the use of a Vrier shift and that she is not wearing her armor Alsia can generate claws and or other combat related alterations to her body such as spines or spikes. These are varied in terms of effectiveness but are mere weapons of flesh and bone even if that flesh and bone is strong. Armor: Power Armor- Alsia's power armor is quite simply that, power armor and unlike many forms of power armor it does not have weapons that are built specifically into it. Alsia's armor is like much of her equipment manufactured originally by Macros International, the company which raised her and was made specifically to fit her and only her. It is fashioned from a malmetal alloy and like many malmetal constructs is capable of shifting form depending on the manner in which it is stimulated. Specifically her armor is able to retract and condense itself into a small pack which is strapped to her back beneath her clothing, and to expand to cover her on command. It will take a post for the armor to either extend or retract unless it is critically damaged in which case she can give the jettison command and it will simply slough off of her. Her armor boosts her strength and defense significantly as noted previously and provides strong amounts of resistance to energy based weapons as it is charged for that purpose. It is also effective at stopping small arms fire to a degree. Larger non energy based weapons are more quick to penetrate it as though malmetal is many things it is not able to withstand consistent physical abuse as well as heavier less energy resistant metals. It also provides a degree of insulation from extreme heat and cold as it does have internal thermal controls. These can of course be overwhelmed with continued exposure. Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: Read Above Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Read Above Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Read above Agility: Read above Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Mastered Resources:Average Weaknesses: *Vrier Stimulation is draining and multiple shifts in a short time will begin to wear heavily on the user. Further Alsia does have a limitted amount of Vrier cells stored in the sites and while they do regenerate over time it is possible to deplete them temporarily. *Vrier stimulated abilities such as the growth of natural armor or others that significantly alter her appearance or would not fit within her armor suit cannot be used while she is wearing the suit. *Fire control must be exercised to avoid overheating her ranged weapon *She has no psionic capabilities and cannot gain them through Vrier stimulation *Her armor offers less resistance to strong impacts from physical rather than energy based weapons. *Like all Visisth she has an instinctive fear of fire, while this is not as strong due to her training the presence of large amounts of it can still be problematic. Typically the presence of large amounts of fire triggers an instinctual desire to flee as well as causing her physical discomfort. In particular she often experiences nausea and hot and cold flashes. Nausea is especially unpleasant as it is difficult to vomit inside of a suit. Alsia will also attempt to avoid fire if possible and this can occasionally inconvenience her. Supporting Characters: Not at this time. She is largely a loner at this point. Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes