Blake raised a brow, at her saying that she though he was talking to her. "No no I wasn't I just knew that I wasn't alone here anymore the minute I heard a sound." Taking the sword back into his grip welcoming the weight back. He bent down and grabbed his bag and pistol along with the extra clip of bullets. Looking at her as she introduced herself he just nodded making sure everything was secured to his bag. Once that was done he hefted it back onto his shoulders once more. He listened to her as she explained that she had things for knives. Shrugging as she said the recoil hurt like hell. "You get stronger over time." Looking around at the place that she asked if it was his place. "No I travel too much for this to be my home." His answer was simple he sighed, "looks like your stuck with me for the night by morning you and me should part ways." He didn't need to get attached and get hurt when they die again that was the main reason he traveled alone.