True Name: Shannon Belcraw Appearance: [img][/img] Alias: Shadowfire Chi Rank: A Age: 19 Affiliations: She works for the Heroes Appearance:~ Shadowfire has long black to hair that is down to her waist, and merges into light red, and she usually has her hair in a ponytail(if she does have it down it is because she is too lazy to put it up, and it is ruffled in a sexy way). She usually wears a tight, black leather jacket over a red and black combat bra. She has four stripes up her waist that change colour depending on her mood. Shadow-fire's eyes also change colour to her mood. She wears black fingerless gloves, covering her hands from something she doesn't want others to see. She has four scars across her left eye that glow when she is happy. She wears leather pants with red stripes up the legs, and knee-high lace-up combat boots that have a sheathable and un-sheathable knife-tip at the toe. Shadowfire's bangs are also pretty long. Her nails are naturally black and red so it looks like they are painted that colour all the time. Shadowfire has a small creepypasta mark on her neck, and a small Rebel Tribe mark on her left shoulder, while she has her mark on her right shoulder. It glows a shiny red when she is furious. Shadowfire's eyes are naturally amber with blue flecks. Personality:~ When you first meet Shadowfire, she will be calm and wise with you, which is her actual personality. She is kind of like a mother to everyone, and isn't all a merciless killer she seems to be. When you meet her, she won't really have a sense of humor with you, more or less be nice to you. But as you get to know Shadowfire, she is sassy, funny and smart. Shadowfire is also very graceful with weapons. She is ambitious, random and cunning to say the least. Shadowfire gets really really weird if you are her close friend. But Shadowfire is self-conscious, often making her nervous when she is with Toby or her friends. She is cocky and fearful of her past(if you talk about her past around her she will start tearing up everything). But when Shadowfire drinks too much, she passes out and usually doesn't wake up for like a week after. Shadowfire can also get very angry if you say the wrong things to her, and she will probably end up killing you. When she gets nervous or sad, she stutters. Shadowfire can be very intimidating and is not afraid to speak her own mind or be stubborn around you. History:~ When Shadowfire was a baby, she and her parents were captured and taken to a prison by her sister, Darkness. Her parents ended up dying of starvation after a few weeks, and Shadowfire escaped when she was four years old. She ran until she ended up in a vacant forest. But she wasn't as safe as she thought she was. Her sister was still after Shadowfire. Helicopters came and lifted Shadowfire into the air. The guards shot a highly poisonous arrows into her arms, and ripped out her dragon wings, replacing them with blades. She was placed in a torture room/lab for 17 years. In her cell, she slowly became insane. Her red hair was now black with faint red tips, and her stripes along her waist and her eyes started to change colour rapidly. She went into a rage, and killed every single person in the torture room. Forms:~ Mortal Form: When she is a mortal, she is about 15 years old and her hair is a lot shorter, with no red tips. She wears a black and red dress with black boots and gloves(she takes on this form when she wants to meet people in the real world). Rage/Insanity Form: In this form the tips of her hair, her hands, her feet, turn into red fire and both of her swords appear. This takes a lot of her power, and she has trouble fighting for months after this happens because her body will be aching. Weapons:~ Shadowfire's main two weapons are two swords. She uses both of them at the same time when she is killing. The blade is shiny and silver, while the handle is black with silver streaks(both of the swords are identical). She also has a shiny black hand gun. Extras:~ When Shadowfire scratches and/or makes someone bleed, the cut or cuts glow a shiny red for a split second before the set on fire. When Shadowfire looks at a weapon for too long, she will end up mastering it, but only for a few minutes. Shadowfire loves to sing, and has a beautiful voice. She also can play the piano and the electric guitar. Her true element is bright red fire. Shadowfire absolutely loves alcohol, and when she shape shifts into any animal, it is black and red. That is how people know it is her. When she just wants to hide from the world, she turns into a Shadow Fiend.