[quote=@SimplyJohn] Does that mean Bumblebee could equip a set of Body Armour, as the Defence bonus she's getting at the moment is from her padded flight suit? [/quote] No. The [i]Padded Flightsuit[/i] already gives her the [i]Armoured[/i] status effect and so would count as armour, she'd have to choose between wearing the flightsuit or the [i]Body Armour[/i], but couldn't take both. Just to note, if she did take the [i]Body Armour[/i] I'd class her as Encumbered and so she'd lose her [i]Agile Flyer[/i] trait bonus. The armour wasn't really designed with maneuverable flight in mind. :hehe [quote=@SimplyJohn] Could Bumblebee take a Pistol in addition to her Blasters? [/quote] Yes. Pistols can be [i]Dual-Wielded[/i], and from the [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s---VpWA3YR--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/17pcnjj0737fijpg.jpg]picture of Bumblebee[/url] on her profile the Blasters she uses would be pistol-sized. If you wanted to grab another Pistol she'd gain a +2 physical-based Attack bonus. This couldn't be used to boost her [i]Sting Like A Bee[/i] ability though, as that's a special function of her Blasters rather than a general damage ability.