[quote=@Eklispe] Rina frowned, Alison was... kinda scary. And maybe a little not entirely sane. She turned at the sound of the newcomer asking for a name, "[b]My name in Rina and this- well he,[/b]" she said gesturing at her companion, "is Aron." Aron also turned away from the now impaled spider, "[color=gray]We also do not know were we are going. The initial plan was to head through the forest in an attempt to find civilization. I take it your intent is to join us?[/color]" Aron inquired of Emeka. He was disappointing that the spider had been killed, he had merely attempted to immobilize it and the darkness girl had finished it off. Though supposedly they did have to kill things to gain more power, curious how that whole process was supposed to work. [/quote] "Hello Rina and... Aron, it is good to know you" said Emeka, tipping his hat towards the two in a small nod. "Yes it seems that I will be coming with you for now." he said in reply to Aron, "The forest is the same to me as any direction, But maybe there will be an abundance of food in that their. It would be bad for my first meal to be spider in this new place" It was then the earth beneath him began to buckle. Startled Emeka dropped to a crouch for better balance. Luckily Libe had been kind enough to warn the lot of them beforehand, so he wasn’t too alarmed.The earth began to rise slowly at first and then faster as it slowly formed into a pillar. [i]This one likes to flaunt his magic it seems[/i]. Soon the pillar cleared the forest roof and land spread itself out in front of them. What Emeka saw he could not quite comprehend. It was alien, truly different from the Earth he had come from. The lands seemed to be separated into elements, clearly demarcated and distinct. Interestingly, a little farther off he saw what seemed to be a village. A village, interesting, it seems my first destination is clear. However Emeka’s building excitement, was quickly doused. The pillar of earth began to sway, as winds began to pelt its length. As the tower staggered, surely beginning to crumble under the stress. [quote=@akje] "U-uhm... Don't suppose any of one you guys can fly?" [/quote] “It would have been better to ask that before hand” he said, his voice slightly heated. At the moment he did not want to put any faith in the man’s abilities. He would have to think of something on his own. He began to listen to the song of the power that lied behind him, it was building once again, filling him with strength. The song told him what he needed to do. He looked to edge of the platform, and then looked back at the rest of them. “It would seem I am crazier than you lot” he said. Then with a smooth motion, the Emeka leapt of the pillar. As he leapt, his power took over, guiding him in what needed to be done. As he crosed the apex of his jump, he kicked his leg down, with he forced his power through his feet. A small explosion erupted from his heel.The explosion effectively reduced the speed of his descent, however he still had a distance to travel. Emeka took a deep breath and dove into his instinct, trusting its guidance completely. It took several steps to reach the ground, but he did so quickly and having covered a large amount of ground. He looked back and smiled, waving to fellows up on the tower. They would have to find their own way off.