[color=f7941d]"Nen presence?"[/color] Eustace's expression was a mix between confused and crestfallen. Never had he heard of the word 'Nen', what could it mean? Why was it so imperative if they wanted a shot at getting a mission from the agency? So the only real way to qualify was to pass the exams? While the news had come as a great disappointment to him, it didn't compare to how bad he felt upon seeing Kyō's own reaction to Arashi's words. Her eyes had turned scarlet (another one of her traits that Eustace was fascinated about) and she seemed just as sad as he was. This did nothing but add to the embarrassment he felt from wasting his friend's time, he could barely look at the girl as he slightly blushed at his blunder. His attention once again went to Arashi as the older man spoke again. Eustace was intrigued to hear what the man had to say, especially after he interrupted himself mid-sentence. [color=f7941d]"My friend is a...?"[/color] He said lowly. The man's next few words made him blush for a completely different reason. Did the two of them really have such great potential to be hunters? The boy clearly wasn't used to those kinds of compliments! This sheepishness lasted only until the boat abruptly stopped, Eustace's eyes quickly darting from thug-to-thug as they seemingly appeared from nowhere. A grin so crept up on his face. Would this be his chance to redeem himself? One could easily deduce Eustace was a street fighter from the stance he took. Right hand forward, left hand guarding him, with his legs slightly separated from each other to allow for more mobility. Typically, he preferred using his pickaxe, but there wasn't any chance he'd be able to get it. He wondered if pickaxe sheaths existed? One of the thugs soon came at him, aiming a punch at his face. Eustace quickly reacted by aiming a punch at one of the most commonly known "sweet spots", the solar plexus. Given his abnormal strength and how vulnerable that part of the body typically was, the pain from the attack was easily enough to knock the man out.