[quote=Phobos] Viole noticed Henry's quite and blank expression, which made Viole wonder if Henry was offering him a high five. Viole scratched his head "I'm guessing you weren't offering a high five?" Viole smiled, noticing Henry's smirk and figured he had a passion for being a shinigami. "Ahh I see, but you should muster up the courage to join a squad. If you can't have the courage for that, then how do you plan onto being a great shinigami!?" Viole said, trying to look inspirational for once. "Do you have any particular squads you wish joining?" [/quote] Henry rubbed the back of his head and grinned. "Yeah, it was a handshake. A high five is higher up in the air." He said, but then got what looked to be a passionate speech on mustering up the courage to join a squad. then was asked if he had any he wanted to join. "Well it's not that I don't have the courage to join one, i'm more along the lines of to lazy to go and join one. However I always have time for fighting. So either squad two or squad eleven. Those would be my top choices. I should join one though. Just never got the time to go do it."