Sorry im on mobile so if its a mess that may be why. [Hider] NAME: Gallel "Skipjack" Samson ABSTRACT: Haywire vanguard DETAIL: In a world much unlike many other though in quite a few ways also very similar, war is a staple. People are born into the cause, no matter what the cause is. War here is not alike the wars we know, it is indeed fought, and harshly at that, but its much easier to kill when you know your enemy gets a do over. Life is a war game, you train, you fight you die, you respawn to fight again. How lovely is that? One such fighter in this war is "Skipjack" a reckless and confused youth who understands what he is told and until recently, very little more. In physical appearance he looks like a lost cousin of the Adam's family. Pale skin and dark hair left in a mess he wears his standard duty black uniform. A long sleeve top made of thick material covered in a layer of hard plastic like stuff, made alike to light ware armor. Matching trousers and large black unpolished boots, with matching black gloves. He would be wearing a mask though he seems to have lost it. A small insignia of a triangle with a circle overlapping its top point is on his shoulders. Without his home and his ability to respawn he has become a scared and unmotivated spirit, and he is forced to become more of a person then the soldier he has been. He is an uncertain firecracker. A soul of curiosity hidden under a fear and a drilled in sense duty. While he has always been known as some sort of loose canon, it is clear that he has never been as "loose" as he could be. [/Hider] EDIT: Omg double post how dare I. Im sorry...