Mendy sat in the cafeteria, examining her fellow students.She had gotten some sushi and was nibbling on it. Usually Mendy would have downed the whole dish in two bites but the truth of the matter was,she was nervous. When they had given her the list of classes there was one that stood out like a sore thumb. It was called "Accept yourself". When she asked one of the counselors why it was there, she was told it was necessary for someone with an application like hers. Before she could ask more they handed her a printed copy and herded her out the door. Mendy stared back at the door and sighed. [color=00aeef][i]Mom was probably worried about me and told them i was an orphan.[/i][/color] She now rubbed her temples at the table, thinking how unnecessary that would be. She pushed her paper away from the random droplets that fell from her hair. [color=00aeef][i]If anyone asks i'll tell them i was in a hurry and took a shower.[/i][/color] That one usually worked. Back in high school she could just say she got something in her hair or was practicing for the next meet. As Mendy finished up her food, she blankly stared in one direction. [color=00aeef][i]Well at least if I take this course I should ace it pretty quickly, I have no issues with myself.[/i][/color] She got to deal with her orphan angst a long time ago. She wasn't ashamed of it, in fact to her she was living proof her parents are good people. Mendy blushed awkwardly and pretended she needed to find something in her bag when she realized this whole tiime she was staring in the same direction as some random guy on his laptop. [color=00aeef][i]Hopefully he didn't notice![/i][/color]