[b]L[/b]ate summer. The time of year when the island was at it's maximum capacity of attenders every day for several weeks. The time of year when most people took their vacations. The most dangerous kind of year. The resort was throbbing with life, people of all ages having fun on different kind of attractions. The closer to the island center, the safer the attraction. Like baby-dino riding. Further out however, you can ride the spheres into the grazing lands of bigger dinosaurs up-close and personal. Somewhere out there, you could watch the velociraptor show or the tyranosaurus rex eat a goat. Why goats? The easiest lifestock to come by out here. [img]http://blogs-images.forbes.com/erikkain/files/2015/06/Jurassic-World-goat.jpg[/img] For one reason or another, more or less obvious, you are all attending the T-rex attraction, where visitors stand behind a one-way thick pane of armored glass to watch the t-rex eat it's meal. The giant cannot see you thanks to the one-way glass, and the fact that the tube is disguised as a giant tree log. The t-rex is nowhere to be found, however. Among the visitors was miss Tatsumi, first name Marie. She wasn't usually out attending attractions, but the park overseer wanted someone experienced from the ACU do a routine inspection of the T-Rex attraction, due to complaints of strange noises from the tube by attraction-visitors. To Marie, however, it was all the same. They did these checks once a week, and with her training she could quickly point everyone to the safest direction while she reported to ACU and overwatch on her communicator. Simple as that. With her was veteran caretaker and raptor-trainer Eliza Marks, who had also been sent to investigate the attraction while her raptors were taking a break from the constant visitors over at the pens. Marie and Eliza may or may not have met before, it didn't factor in to them both being assigned to this task. The instructions were clear: keep an eye out for anomalies in the containment or other unpredictable events. In other words: look for unseen things. Easier said than done. At the same attraction, just a few feet apart from one another, stood two ordinary guests. One was Theo James, a very unsuspicious young adult who was just enjoying his vacation and the awesome sights. The other was Jaxon Romilly, a semi-popular youtube celebrity that had managed to avoid most awkward confrontations with fans so far. He was filming the goat patiently, awaiting the arrival of the T-rex. He may or may not even be talking to his "audience" while he waits, but that would surely blow his cover. - Among the guests were a few others worth mentioning, but they'll have plenty of time to introduce themselves. For now, most of the visitors stand silently, hugging the glass, vigilantly spying for the arrival of the t-rex. But where was it?