Fury slammed into Kanitah with his significant metallic bulk, driving him into the ground and doing terrible damage to his face. He would have grimaced, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was the one causing the hurt Kanitah was suffering. The Fireen straightened up, having fell into a half-crouch on his unstable perch with his right foot resting on Kanitah’s face. Unfortunately, before he could deliver a follow up stomp that could very well kill his foe, Kanitah arched his back and threw Fury off balance again. It was this that resulted in Kanitah amazingly managing to get a hold on the Fireen, his hand grappling his armoured ankle. The added bulk of Fury’s armour on top of already very beefy limbs however meant the hand was not all the way around his ankle, perhaps reducing its effectiveness. “Just fucking give up Old Man.” Fury took the time to shout in frustration, trying to yank his right leg out of his foe’s vice-like grip and hop away from him.