And so the time had come once more, for today's classes were now finished. Now, something far more paramount could take place. It was the time again, to celebrate and cherish the fine sport of Boxing. Although the events certainly weren't as grandiose as they once were. After all, many peers in this hallowed institution transferred to better schools and snagged actual starting careers in the sport. While they were not at the school, they were celebrated accomplishments to the Boxing Club. After all, the success of their members was success for them, even if they didn't play roles on the campus anymore. And Kurosawa Misaki was quite fond of discussing the accomplishments of those esteemed peers. And they would be discussed, as per tradition. Before pummeling each other in a prime example of the endeavor of the human spirit, it was customary for a quick discussion. Sometimes it was held during the warm-ups, and other times the warm-up exercises came after the meeting. The points that were talked about varied day by day, but it always held these essential parts. [list] [*]1.) Kurosawa Misaki would continue to clear up the issue that yes, she was both Miki and Misaki. What with the body morphing, Kurosawa felt it was necessary to continue to present that fact, as there was always someone who thought that it was only one or the other. [*]2.) The Club would have a brief discussion of news coming from the World of Boxing. After all, it was important to know how things are progressing on the various circuits, especially as they had their own in them. [*]3.) Go over the Rules of Boxing.[/list] The rules were always saved for last, because it did serve as a healthy reminder to the members on how to go about punching each other in a professional manner. If there was one thing Kurosawa wanted, besides while wanting more time to practice cheer routines as Misaki, it was to further the progression of the Club's athletes and hopefully get more of them careers on the various circuits. At the moment, Misaki was dressed in her cheerleading uniform, and carried her pom poms in her hands. Today she was pondering on whether or not to cut the meeting a bit short, so she could go out and practice with the others. However, that was probably not going to happen as Mickey felt he had much to cover during this day of club activities. And more importantly, he wanted to instead practice on the sandbag. Such was the difficulties of being a bodymorpher, you never had enough time to do what you want as all your forms. Oh well, it would not be of concern, unless Misaki started arguing with herself again on that. As the classes were finished, and the time for a meeting was at hand, Kurosawa Misaki promptly entered the sparring room of the Boxing Club with a eager pep to her step. It was a rather spacious room with a rather glossy finish on its hardwood floor. Off on the sides there were rows upon rows of heavy-bags attached to fairly used stands. On the back of the stands, there were speed-bags attached. After all, one needed to practice both the heavy-hitting and the fast paced jabs. At the far back of the room, there was a collection of cheap metal fold-out chairs gathered in a circle around a mini-fridge and large chest which itself held many jump-ropes. Some were as pristine as if they were never used, others had handles that were on the verge of breaking. As for the mini-fridge, it's cable was pretty torn up and was attached into a surge-strip, which was attached into an outlet. The fridge usually held a decent amount of Cosmic Protein-shakes, most often they were in Brownie Flavor. All of this was was just a few short paces in front of the locker room. It was here, where all the gloves and much of the work-out clothes were kept, the announcing equipment for those really spectacular and booked matches, spare bells, ring-cards, and even a fairly old model television-if it wasn't laying near the chest due to someone not putting it back. And it was where many of the meetings would take place, if they were not being done with warm-ups, or if there wasn't a really interesting match to watch. But the cynosure of the Boxing Club was in the very center of the room. It was the Boxing Ring. Each side was 5 meters of glory, a standard-if on the smaller size-for a ring. The ropes made the simple pattern of red, blue, red, blue and held the sacred rite of keeping people in the ring. These durable ropes continued to remain elastic and served the boxing club quite well. The floor itself was just plain white, with a green boxing glove logo decorating the center of the ring. This was where the magic took place. Valiant bouts would take place at the sound of the bell, and the fighters duked it out while following the traditions of boxing. No matter if it was a simple spar, or bout for more than just practicing, they all held the same majesty. As Kurosawa Misaki entered the room, she gave friendly waves to the club members who were already there and getting ready for the meeting, in the assumption that it would be held in the main room. Well she waved to those who weren't busy practicing. Yes, practically all of the bags were taken up, heavy and speed-bags. There was a myriad amount of men and an occasional woman, with sweat beating down their glistening chests. They were prepared, they were all decked out in their boxing shorts, shoes and gloves. The room vibrated with the pounding of fist clashing against weighted bags, and the rhythmic bouncing of the speed-bag clashing against the its platform. These men didn't take the time to wipe the sweat from their brow as they continued practicing punches and counter crosses in attempts to move the weighted bags further than they did before. It was a symphony of precision, as each boxer continued bobbing up and down and left to right, while swinging their fists in a mighty show of strength against the bag. It mattered not that their opponent was in fact, an inanimate sand-bag or fast bag, what mattered was that they were locked in a battle which would determine their fates. After all training was serious business. [color=bc8dbf] "YO!"[/color] Misaki declared, before stopping in a bit of silence. And so, began the morphing of the vocal chords so 'Mickey' could get a response in. [color=004b80]"[b]It's time for the quick speech![/b] After that [b]WE FUCKING SPAR! AND KEEP BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF THE BAGS![/b]"[/color] With another moment of silence, from her, came the morphing of it that feature once again. However, while she remained silent, the members of the boxer club did not. They roared with excitement as many were finishing up their last set of punches before they had to listen to the speech. Of course, it was not the speech they were excited for. Misaki knew that, no what they were excited for was for the sparring. It was tradition to only spar after the speech was concluded, and as such, the speech was usually quite short, so that the sparring could commence quickly. And so with that Kurosawa Misaki performed a head count of those who were in the main room and then headed into the locker room to count anyone who was in there. She was slowly, but surely being followed by the various boxers who finished up or were finishing their brief set. After all, she needed to be sure that the numbers were right. She didn't want any club members missing for the opening meeting speech, and more importantly the sparring to come shortly after it.