Does Kanitah not get disorientated at all? That's a fairly acrobatic move for someone whose face just got re-arranged. I'm not saying it's impossible, but considering the fight from relatively human terms after the beating Fury just gave Kanitah he should be rocked a little bit, that's why I assumed he went in for the clinch (well, grappled Fury's leg, but same effect) because he needed time to recover, and I figured if boxers do it all the time there was no reason why Kanitah couldn't. I didn't expect him to be able to make good on his grab while Fury is trying to pull away, and then do the equivalent of a super ground-backflip. I mean, fair enough it's your character, but that's pretty formidable. It's not like I have no options either, but it still seems a little off from a realism stand-point. Also, don't disregard Fury's strength. Though he's outmatched significantly with your machine running, Kanitah can lift roughly 40 tonnes at the moment, where-as Fury can lift 10, however you have to consider that Fury has a significant advantage in trying to free his leg, as he can utilize the strength of both legs and the nature of his armour makes holding onto him fairly difficult. Just saying, as it seems like you didn't even mention in your post that Kanitah was directly contending Fury's strength, it was like he was just standing there letting his leg get grabbed.