[quote=@Impaqt] [color=7bcdc8]Haha!!! RIGHT! I know what you mean. Heck, I've probably learned more from Researching for roleplays than I even did when I was in school. Granted, most of it is non-essential information, but you never know when someone might want to know this random stuff, right!? [/color] [/quote] [quote=@MelonHead] Yeah, I know a weird amount about tanks after spending about half a day designing my battle mech character. That's information I really don't need. [/quote] Yup. Thankfully there's Game and Film theory to do the heavy research for me for allot of the things I'm interested in. I mean I had no idea before that DBZ was using actual theoretical science in their fights. That must throw Skalla's whole world into wack. I mean, I might not have even learned that their are four fundamental stats of matter not three(never mind that only 1% of the universe is made up of liquid, solid and gas's) as we have been lead to believe in school. Goes to show you the Arena is where you go to really learn SCIENCE!