[@Elitestpotato]Your racial benefits are only positives, so I would be inclined to use the default anti-demon measures in the game. Are you okay with that or do you wish to add 1/2 negatives to the list? For example, an Elf has +2 to DEX, but -2 to STR. Natural Born Leader: I'm not sure how much the other players will appreciate the potential loss of control(permanent Suggestion effect), so how about changing this to give some passive bonuses, instead? I'd like some statistics on the swords. As for your more direct damage abilities(Abysmal blades, Quick and Swift, for example), could you specify what they will do(such as the blade doing say, +2 fire/acid/cold damage or similar effects)? I can integrate quick and Swift into the game as a passive ability, so that one doesn't require changing per se. It'd be nice to have a clear description of what would change.