[b]NAME:[/b] [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/612b8f3e592c6b7615c23fcd0bb28457/tumblr_npylimYjvU1r8pok9o1_1280.jpg]Celadon[/url] [b]ABSTRACT:[/b] Electric generator disguised as a giant, fluffy, neon coloured Grandpa who has the patience of a saint. Also a fan of regular naps even though most of them end sooner than he’d like. [b]DETAIL:[/b] Celadon’s world is huge and almost overflowing with what we would call magic producing tens, if not hundreds, of different landscapes and creatures. Such landscapes do often make it hard to travel from one place to another so it’s not uncommon to find Modern cities a few days away from more tribe like societies. Obviously such differences do make people want to explore, often with the only option to walk, climb or even fly from place to place. Celadon here is an Ethereal Tiger-Fox with the interesting ability to summon thunderstorms into being, as well as generate smaller amounts of electricity himself within his body most often by running or shaking to build up a static charge. But of course this was after many years of wandering and exploring so he is getting on a bit in years and even has grandkids out exploring the world much like he had many, many years ago. The Ethereal state is rarely gained by Tiger Foxes who do not settle down in one place as it requires the gratitude and worship of those nearby. Though they can still travel far away their powers will be a lot less potent than they would be otherwise. The little Mountain top town of Keingry (Kine-cry) is Celadons home. The humanoid beings that live there thrive off the trees which crown both their mountain and those surrounding them, bearing plump and juicy fruits in the summer which can be used in multiple food recipes or stored someplace dry until needed. The bark and leaves of the trees also has a multitude of uses and is well sought after by far away royals and dignitaries. But seeing as the trees are mostly unique to the area, the people of Keingry are very wary before handing over any of their trees to anyone not of their kind. However the mountain range is plagued by droughts which can last anywhere from a few months to almost two years (the longest being five years). It was during one of these droughts that Celadon arrived to the area, and while the people were very wary and curious about this creature at first the strength he had made it much easier to carry large amounts of water up from the lake at the base of the mountain. His electric abilities also came in hand multiple times in terms of fending off raiders and other unsavoury types after the precious trees. Soon enough Celadon had even developed the ability to call thunderstorms to the mountain. While the power of the storms and control he had over them was shaky to begin with the villagers were nonetheless thankful for the rain they brought. In return they constructed him a small hut of his just a short walk away from the village. In his later Years Celadon would be very grateful to have an actual roof over his head rather than having to hide in a cave praying it would stay dry. Whilst enjoying a peaceful summer day and one of those rare naps where the children of Kiengry don’t “sneak” up to tie ribbons in his tail Celadon would awake to find himself somewhere that wasn’t his hut.