[b][u]Jaxon Junior Romilly[/u][/b] Jaxon was in fact not talking for once, as a dominantly gaming channel his content required constant commentary, as such even in videos outside of games he tended to ramble. However, when he started doing that just after getting off the boat he was ambushed by fans and hadn't been able to escape until the teens' parents had finally dragged them all away. After that he resolved to only commentate when he was alone, surrounded by only adults or elderly who were unlikely to have heard of him, or if he met anyone else famous, because that would probably be fun and his viewers would enjoy it. Instead he'd just have to go over recordings of the attractions later and commentate then, it wouldn't be as genuine of commentary as he'd have preferred, but it was better than being mobbed. He knew he wasn't actually [i]that[/i] famous, he wasn't in need of bodyguards or anything like that, and his 'mobs' weren't exactly huge crowds, but here where most of the audience was of the younger generation, the mobs could be anywhere from 10 to 25 individuals or more, especially since he had foolishly announced he'd be coming here for the week and now everyone who watched his videos knew to lookout for him. It was kind of annoying, he wished he could record properly like he wanted to do, but he would get over it. He'd been in a similar situation when he was in Coventry for Insomnia, there were just such massive crowds it was impossible to be heard without drawing attention. At least at Insomnia more of the bigger name YouTubers had been around to distract fans, here he wasn't sure how many celebrity visitors were in the park. He was shaken from his musings when his camera flashed red in the corner of the screen. He quickly changed the battery and went back to filming, he didn't want to miss anything after all. He was excited honestly, it was [i]the[/i] T-rex, a titan of ages past. He couldn't stop the giddy feeling welling up in his chest at the thought.