[@Dragoknighte] Characters will need sleep but that will be left up to the Rper to how much. Certain things I am not too worried about. Main reason for being harder on sometimes than others is previous bad rp experiences. (Most when it comes to combat. Oh I have a book! Well what is in it? Spells! What spells? All types! ~facepalms~ or Her my character one hit a dragon! How? I have a +50 Dragon slaying sword! Your sheet says sword.... Well it's a Dragon slayer! ~five fights later~ No, it's a Orc slayer! ~facepalm~) Money for me in Rp is as this - As long as your character spends in good balance with what they are then I have no issue and anything that you want to purchase just needs to be run by me to see if it is even available in the area. Knowing what money a character is holding for me is like knowing when a character pees or when a woman is on the rag. I don't care lol)