[center][color=red][b]Samuel Darwin[/b][/color] Ah, beer. He would kill for some beer. But he couldn't, he did, unfortunately have 'Dweller Stuff'. [color=red]"Maybe next time Jonny!"[/color] He called out from his ledge. He had enough space for his tent, and other five to seven feet to walk around it. He dusted the remaining sand off it, and proceeded to carefully walk back down. Many humans gave him high fives, or fist bumps on his walk around the camp. It wa nice in the shade of the rock, and it was one of the first days of cooler weather in a long time. Of course, now, cooler meant somewhere around 90* Farenheight, but, it was something. He walked to Blim's tent, noticing the book he had. [color=red]"Um, you asked to have a meeting?"[/color][/center]