Fiona couldn't help a laugh. She'd found Tobias's excessive compliments rather annoying at first, and while she still wasn't too fond of them, she had to admit that they were a [i]little[/i] endearing. She certainly wasn't going to tell him that, though. She watched cautiously as he dismounted; she'd thought for sure that it would take longer for her horse to open up to him, but he seemed to be doing well. She didn't know whether to be impressed or annoyed by that. "Not everything is wicked and evil, you know," she commented, smoothly pulling herself up onto her horse. "I happen to think this looks like a nice village. A little like home, and where I'm from, no one is part demon. We'll be fine." She knew she could be a bit uninformed at times, blindly rushing ahead when her confidence got the better of her. Perhaps [i]naïve[/i] was even the right word. Tobias had seen it for himself, when they met, but right now she felt certain about being relaxed. This was a good cause, for good people, and it even had a good reward tied to the end of it for Tobias to look forward to. "Let's stop by the apothecary first. We can get something to eat afterwards." They'd had a meager breakfast, and she had some food leftover, but now that they were in a village again they could likely find something better to eat. Business came first, though. Fiona pulled her horse to a stop outside of the shop, dismounting and leading the way inside, where she found the apothecary greeting an elven woman. She waited until she knew she wasn't interrupting anything, and then introduced herself. "Hello. Tobias and I are here about the notice, regarding the cinder sickness. My name is Fiona."