"Ah geez, I'm late!" Al said aloud as he entered the club's training room, shutting the door quietly. He'd only hoped nobody would notice him or the jangling of the multitude of blades on his back. Fortunately for him, his training and fighting uniform was exactly the same as his day clothes. It was too much of a hassle to change every time he had to visit club. The next thing he knew, people would start asking him to get clothes specifically for a job or a wedding or something. Still, he could probably make up for his lack of timeliness with extra enthusiasm. "Captain! CAPTAIN I'M READY FOR BOXING!" he shouted, waving both his arms in the air as he walked over to the girl, who was dressed for team spirit, as was typical. It was probably like tribal war paint. Al made a mental note to pick up war paint before next practice. "I know I haven't been doing so hot with the last few practice matches, but I think I'm picking up a pretty good technique here." he grinned, bouncing on his toes and doing a little shadowboxing to show off his moves.