[Center] [color=82ca9d]Mathew[/color] Mathew gave the smallest wave and nod in return as thanks. He was still getting used to all these different and sometimes clashing races. It was hard to suddenly throw himself into a group of mishaps when he had been raised in only those of his own kind his whole life. It was not to mention that all these faces were new, and becoming a member of a new clan was hard enough as is. He sighed deeply and put his cloak hood back up. Perhaps he would offend less people this way. Turning back to look at his two stragglers. Johnny and Belle, the Elfen boy and the unidentified girl. He had found the pair on an excursion a few months back. Lost in the city, two little ones of different races had somehow survived for who knows how long. He patter Johnny on the head, and took the bundle he was holding from him. "Alright you two, you an rest now, just stay close okay?" The boy nodded enthusiastically and took the hand of his "sister". The two ran off to the shade to draw in the sand with sticks, and tell stories. Mathew got to setting their small tent, thankfully he and his two companions had already gotten their supplied unloaded. Soon he would be attending the meeting. Perhaps his second if memory served... Another sigh left his mouth. This felt as though it would be a long week. [/Center]