[b]Jericus "Ing" Ignace- Pensee[/b] The imperial guardsman notice the brown haired girl approaching the group. "Don't worry I forgot who I was for a week. Didn't stop my officers and commissars from sending me into combat," Ignace said to the young girl. He walked up to the brown hair girl making the sign of the Aquila to her. "Greeting citizen, my companions and I are lost at the moment. Can you please give us direction to the nearest PDF bastion or Imperial guard station?" he asked her. [b]Argon Charr Shadow Eternity Vessel [i]Foecrusher[/i][/b] "I'll join in with the frontal assault." the mandalorian pulled up his bounty information seeing if there any UMMA agents who had a large bounty on them. Argon made some mental notes about which agent has the highest bounty.