[center][b][@Laue] (John); [@ravenDivinity] (Darius); [@whist] (Grant)[/b][/center] [Since [@whist] hadn't logged in for 11 days, he's going to be considered inactive, and his character will be removed from the current group. If he comes back, Grant will die and be resurrected in a shrine; otherwise he'll never be seen again. Basically, the same treatment [@Magnato]'s character Meredith received.] "Hmm?" The dark elf raises an eyebrow as he sees Darius charging out from behind the trees. "Who-" But he never gets to finish his sentence, as an object crashes down from the sky without warning, flattening the dark elf and his insectoid companion in the process. It appears to be a one-meter-wide sphere of steely gray metal, engraved with glowing purple circuit lines and attached with various mechanical tools; the goddess's symbol can be seen on its front. However, a large chunk of the sphere is very clearly missing, exposing a significant deal of its inner machineries. The sphere twitches, sending purple sparks flying out everywhere from its mechanical wound. "[i]ERROR CODE 125,[/i]" the metallic sphere screeches, in a similar kind of comprehensible not-quite-English the dark elf spoke earlier, except more mechanical and... garbled. "[i]C-CURRENT TASK ABORTED. RETURNING T-T-T-T-TO BA-[/i]" The sphere doesn't get to finish its sentence either, before exploding into a huge wave of purple energy. As the energy washes over Darius, for a split second he feels extrene pain, as though deadly electric currents are coursing through his whole body. Then everything goes black for him. But the energy isn't all. As it dissipates, a portal can be seen where the mechanical sphere once was, a section of distorted space surrounded by a translucent purple. An incredibly powerful gravitational pull can then immediately be felt, originating from the portal. Trees are uprooted, and Grant, having been far enough away to avoid being electrocuted by the energy wave, is now being pulled into the portal like a tiny leaf in the wind. As he's transported to who knows where, the portal rapidly shrinks shut, leaving behind a crater of devastation. But there is now no living being around to bear witness. ... With a gasp, Darius jolts awake. He's now back in his medical pod again, and gripped by a terrible exhaustion, as though he had been sprinting nonstop for days. His clothes are blackened and singed, but he is alive. Or had he actually died just now, and been resurrected? [So yeah, [@ravenDivinity] and [@Laue], you two can timeskip ahead by an hour or something, so that both of your characters have recovered enough to leave their pods, and maybe interact with each other.]