[quote=Zane620] Henry rubbed the back of his head and grinned. "Yeah, it was a handshake. A high five is higher up in the air." He said, but then got what looked to be a passionate speech on mustering up the courage to join a squad. then was asked if he had any he wanted to join. "Well it's not that I don't have the courage to join one, i'm more along the lines of to lazy to go and join one. However I always have time for fighting. So either squad two or squad eleven. Those would be my top choices. I should join one though. Just never got the time to go do it." [/quote] Viole dropped his head in shame [i] How can I be so foolish to mistake a handshake for a highfive[/i] Viole thought in his head. He raised his head, wanting to go hide in a hole or something. Viole's expression changed when Henry said he was too lazy to join a squad "Being lazy isn't an excuse to go by! If you're gonna be lazy, then all of your..." Viole quickly pulled out his book and skimmed through it. "Friends" He put it back in his sleeve "Will surpass you in no time. But uhhh, I'd say you go with Squad 11. I heard they like to fight more, but squad 2 is more ninja like. I suppose it depends on your fighting style"