[hider=Morrian] NAME - Morrian ABSTRACT - A self-taught philosopher lizard turned warrior-slave. DETAILS - Ghurnas is the largest yet most barbaric of the nations. Ruled by stubborn warlords unwilling to set grudges aside to conquer common enemies. As a nation of warriors they force their enemies into slavery and keep them under an iron foot. They also love their blood pits and gladiatorial games, pitting slaves and professional warriors against each other. Settling grudges through duels instead of political intrigue as is most common in the world. Morrian was born here in the savage jungles of lower Ghurnas. He's one of the beastkin that called the untamed lands home. Beastkin are humanoid beasts that are capable of shape-shifting into greater versions of their cousins. Morrian himself is a crocodile of imposing in size. Green and yellow scales with orange eyes. He always took a philosophical view on things. Despite his youthful optimism he lost the freedom that gave him wings. The barbarians or Ghurnas invaded his small tribe. What's worse? Watching these remorseless killers wear the hide of your brethren like it were royal garments or to battle against undeserving slaves on their behalf? Morrian was untrained and though powerful by his own natural strength and size could not contend against the number of warriors that came to take the village. He was an obvious choice to be shoved into the arenas. Strong, powerful, just needed some direction and an equally powerful weapon (If his jaws didn't do the job in the first place.). The first few fights felt like mercy killing. They felt pitiful and unworthy of being warriors. Perhaps they were unworthy servants and the overlord simply wanted a means to execute them without bloodying his lazy hands. Years went on, Morrian slew warrior and slave alike. The only thing he got to look forward to was a reasonably powerful warrior to truly put him to the test. Finally as a matter of punishment for something that Morrian remained aloof of, the local overlord stood before their great lizard-beast to show his worth. He was found wanting as his blood fertilized the dead ground. This caught the attention of the warlord. "If this beast were so powerful to best our strongest men, let us use him against Sturth." He plotted with his witch-adviser. The witch whispered in his ear things about sacrificing the beast to their god for empowerment. The warlord ever to be pulled by her whiles agreed. Morrian was forced into the temple by a platoon of armored veterans. Wearing no more than his loincloth he was sent alone before the ungodly altar. [/hider]