Hey look people! I wasn't really expecting that. [quote=@Lone Wanderer] I might recommend that you post an Interest check in the general thread as well, to garner more interest and indeed, attention. [/quote] Honestly I didn't expect this thing to get any interest really. It was more of one of those well If I don't write it down now things then the entire idea will be lost forever deals. For the idea is just a little too obtuse for most people's tastes. And putting it in the general thread honestly in my long amount of years on this site have deduced does really nothing at all. Expect for a few outliers everybody only checks the interests checks in the writing level they are currently looking for probably because it is easier. Doubly so because this is advanced so people get scared by that idea even though that notion is a silly one indeed. So I'll let it stagnate here for a little bit more and if nothing comes from it I don't mind really.