The general idea is that, for reasons unknown to the characters, there is some powerful force that [i]really[/i] wants to see them dead. Since the characters don't have anything obvious in common, it's not that easy to determine what exactly is causing them to be sought out. All that they know is that some enormously powerful individual wants to see particular people dead, despite not causing mass collateral damage. In other words? Fantasy mashup setting, most things will fit in. But the PC's are on the mid-low range of the spectrum, and someone on par with any legendary hero really wants them dead for some reason. They don't know why. It's obvious that (after their first encounter) they don't stand a chance trying to fight them off as it is. Their choice? Find out why, or get strong enough to defeat their hunter. At least they seem to be content to walk rather than run... or just have a lot of targets. So... basically an odd combination of fantasy, survival horror in places, and possibly dungeon-crawling level-grinding. Anyone up for it?