Vaeri was about to speak up when two people both clad in leather armor walked in, a girl with hair that reminded the elf of the bright autumn leaves and a man with black hair who appeared less confident than his traveling companion. Well, she assumed they were companions since they came in at the same time and the girl knew the other's name. "It appears that you two are here for the same purpose as I," Vaeri comments softly before she turns towards the Apothecary, "I came here to see about taking part in the request your association put out. Are we not too late?" The thing about making choices on what you do based on paper you find in a mud hole is that you never really know how long that paper's been in that mud hole. Maybe they had already resolved that problem weeks ago and had just forgotten to take down all the notices. There were more people here too, but it could be a coincidence and they both came to this village for nothing.