"Should we be heading back?" Zana asked looking over to Kayal. The two had fallen silent for a time and were enjoying the view before she spoke up. Kayal looked towards her and nodded before responding, "Yeah, I think we spent enough time wandering about as it is, maybe we could catch a drink or two at the inn." He offered. But before Zana could respond a shout sounded from the woods behind them. A few more followed shortly after and only a few words rung through, "Girlie...then Dont...hurt ya." turned on the rock so he was facing the tree, he glanced toward Zana with a questioning expression. Then a shriek rung out from within the trees obviously from a different person. Kayal and Zana locked eyes for a moment before Kayal spoke, "Lets go check it out." He said as he got up from his seat Zana followed quickly behind with he hands on the hilts of her short swords. As they walked into the forest toward the direction of the voices they began to hear more voices this time much closer and the loud unmistakable sound of horses feet hitting the ground as they rode. The two continued to move through the trees their curiosity only being piqued the more they heard. They followed the sound of the horses which took them back in the direction of the trees. Then they heard the horses come to a stop and more voices spoke up. They seemed to be talking with someone. Then they heard more movement of a horse followed by glass cracking then a horse neighed loudly. The two were obviously close and began to move in a light jog until they reached the edge of the trees. As they did the scene was finally revealed before them, at the buttom of the hill near the rocks that met the sea a Bosmer girl lay, at the top of the hill one man lay on the ground dead while the other was on his knees surrendering himself to a threatening Argonian woman holding a cutlass in her hand, a faint green fog like substance held in the air but was rapidly dissipating. Kayal and Zana heard the man finish offering his surrender, the Argonian only replied with, "That's nice." Before slicing his throat. With this Kayal's hand dropped to his hilt and he stepped out from the trees. "Whats going on here?" He questioned, his tone was not one of hostility but instead much more relaxed. Kayal wore all of his gear on him, his bow was on his back and his sword at his hip, he wore his chain shirt over his usual clothes and then a coat over his chain shirt. His coat was unbuttoned revealing his under clothing, the cloak continued down almost to his knees in the back and on the sides while in the front it went little past his hips before curving and going down almost to his knees. The cloak was white with black accents, his undershirt was white and his pants are a dark brown. His knife was sheathed on his shoulder and could easily be covered by his coat but for the time being it's hilt was in plain sight. His left hand rested on the hilt of his sword but for the most part his stance was none threatening. While Kayal approached Zana remained back staying in the trees and out of sight encase something bad went down she could rush in and surprise the Argonian. Both of her hands clutched the hilts of her swords as she remained crouched in the trees ready for for something bad to happen.This had been their usual tactic for many situations, Kayal would always remain in the front and distract them while she would wait to surprise them or should they have a caravan she would be robbing them blind, but this was no robbery so she remained hidden waiting for the Argonian to answer.