Infernum just sat quietly pretty much used to people ignoring,hating,or flat out walking away.He watched the lights float through the air but didn't dare touch them he thought they were cool but he didn't know what they would do if he did they might burn him and then go out for it was light magic and he was dark he didnt care about pain it's all he new aside from being alone for 536 years and pain was atleast a sign he was still to speak.Then to his suprise the light person actually responded and it wasnt a hate comment or rude remark or even a fearful'Dont damn me to hell' this made him smile to see there were nice people in the overworld.[color=Red]"Yes I thought it was awesome and I'm sorry if my out going-ness and sometimes loud voice makes me seem rude or anything it's just I've been locked in hell for 536 years alone until I figured out how to use my portal spell and after that long without people to talk too I'm very out going and I don't judge and the only time I'm a dick is if there a dick to me or my friends first plus I'm easily distracted if you didn't notice LOL.Most people look at me and hate me because I'm a hellspawn I just wish people were less judgmental it would be so much easier by the way I'm Infernum Surrexit it means hell risen in latin but you can just call me risen if you want,but I'll sit here and talk forever what about you? Hows life been? LOL."[/color]He then sat quietly and tuned out the rest of the noise on the train from people talking and fighting and gripping each others parts once again to listen as if just hearing someones voice not scolding him was the coolest thing in the world.